셀프 브랜딩 '낮져밤이'
내성적인 성격의 장점을 아시나요? 내성적인 성격은 외향적인 성격에 비해 리더쉽이 있고
자기 주장이 강하진 않지만 주변사람들을 위해 잘 맞춰 주고 세심하고 자기계획을 잘 세웁니다.
그래서 GRAB : P Studio에서는 사람들이 원하는 디자인을 잘 맞춰주기도 하지만
GRAB : P Studio에서만 할 수 있는 새로운 디자인을 제시하기도 합니다.
따라서 저희는 '낮져밤이' 라는 키워드를 가지고, 낮에는 배려하고 맞춰 주었다가 밤에는
낮에 받았던 에너지를 모아서 우리만의 창의적이고 화려한 디자인으로 창조 시킨다는 내용의
셀프 브랜딩 영상을 만들었습니다.
Self Branding 'Passive by day, Assertive at night'
What are the advantages of having introspective personality?
Compare introverted and extroverted personality. I have leadership
skills and I do not have a lot of self-assertiveness, but I try my best for the people around me.
Be attentive and do your plans well.
So in GRAB: P Studio, you can customize the look you want, however,
So in GRAB: P Studio, you can customize the look you want, however,
you can only do it in that studio. It also introduces a new design.
Therefore, in the daytime, I will have consideration and
Therefore, in the daytime, I will have consideration and
at night I will collect the energy I received during the day.
We created a Self branding video with colorful but unique designs that shows our own creativity.
We created a Self branding video with colorful but unique designs that shows our own creativity.


※ Music
Taekwondo - Gray
*It's a Personal Project not for Commercial Use.
Visual Design & Art School
56th advance class
4th project & graduate project
56th advance class
4th project & graduate project
Artist : Grab : P (Park, Jun - soo)
http://www.vdas.co.kr / info@vdas.co.kr
http://www.vdas.co.kr / info@vdas.co.kr