This is my self-branding film
Curiosity is the source of all my design processes.
The result of things that start with curiosity will come out in various shapes that can not be predicted
Curiosity makes me frustrated.
But, I think it is a valuable process for the result of what I want
호기심은 나의 모든 디자인 프로세스의 원천입니다.
호기심으로터 시작된 일들의 결과는 예상할수 없는 다양한 모습으로 나타납니다.
호기심은 저를 실수하고 넘어지게 만들지만
결국 내가 원하는 모습의 결과물을 위한 소중한 과정들이라 생각합니다.
Curiosity Elements
My curiosity continues to repeat, deeply dig and do not give up
These attributes are represented by characters.
나의 호기심은 반복하고, 깊게 탐구하고 절대 포기하지않습니다
이러한 특징들을 캐릭터로 표현하였습니다.






Poster/Stationary/Slogan Card/Office Wall/Question Tool Kit

Mark Ronson - Missing Words
Malarkey - Arcade Brain
The purpose of this work is
strictly for non-commercial use.
Mark Ronson - Missing Words
Malarkey - Arcade Brain
The purpose of this work is
strictly for non-commercial use.
Visual Design & Art School
56th Advance class
4th project - Graduate project
56th Advance class
4th project - Graduate project
Artist : Eui Soo Lim (vividlim2020@gmail.com)
http://www.vdas.co.kr / info@vdas.co.kr
http://www.vdas.co.kr / info@vdas.co.kr